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The Pay Streak Brewery

Seattle, Washington
The Pay Streak is named for the amusement section of the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, which took place a block away in the same year our building was constructed. The mysterious aura of this previously forgotten World's Fair has been our creative inspiration for over a decade, long before its 2009 centennial returned it to popular memory.

The Pay Streak Brewery is a small, unlicensed brewery producing tax-exempt beer, also known as homebrew. It is located on an upper floor of a historic building in the University District of Seattle, Washington and is not open to the public at this time.

We consider the Pay Streak Brewery to be a pilot brewery for a potential cooperative operation in the future. Members would be entitled to a portion of its production at low prices. Currently, because it is not licensed as a commercial brewery, the Pay Streak exists as a personal home brewery. For the same reason, its production is limited to 100 gallons per year and its products cannot be sold.

Most of our product is consumed by ourselves and those we are acquainted with. You may have learned about this site that way, or by word of mouth. If you don't already know us and would like more information, please return to this site as our plans progress.

Last updated Saturday, June 21, 2014
Pay Streak Brewery™ is a trademark of the brewery owner.
Content on paystreak.org is Copyright © 2010.